Welcome to Proud MaMa®
The collection of Proud MaMa® is timeless with a luxurious and contemporary look for the hip trendy moms of today. The Proud MaMa® collection has a large variation of bola,s / babybells in different styles and colors. [Music bell during your pregnancy] The regular Proud MaMa® collection currently exists of: Bola pregnancy necklaces, Bracelets and the MAM collection. [The entire collection is very suitable to give as a gifts]

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Proud MaMa
Proud MaMa Bola’s [babybell].
The bola [babybell] is a form of decoration that comes from hundreds of years of Maya history. Carried by expectant mothers during pregnancy, resting against the abdomen, so that during any movement the unborn child hears a soft ringing sound [from about 16-20 weeks]. It would invoke guardian angel to watch over the unborn child and bring good luck. Once born, this is said to remember the child to the safety of the uterus.
A small grip from the Proud MaMa collection!

Wear the bola [baby bell] in such a way that the bell rests on your belly preferably near the navel. The intention is that the soft sounds that the bell makes during movement are nice to here for the baby in the womb. Make sure the chain fits securely and comfortably. You can wear the bola [baby bell] during the entire pregnancy.